O am bara i uchel yfed
O am bara i yfed beunydd

O am bara i uchel yfed
  O ffrydiau'r iachawdwriaeth fawr
Nes fy nghwbwl ddisychedu
  Am ddarfodedig bethau'r llawr;
Byw dan ddisgwyl am fy Arglwydd,
  Bod, pan ddêl, yn effro iawn
I agoryd iddo'n ebrwydd
  A mwynhau ei ddelw'n llawn.

Rhyfeddu a wna' i â mawr ryfeddod
  Pan ddêl i ben y ddedwydd awr
Caf weld fy meddwl,
    sy yma'n gwibio
  Ar ôl teganau gwael y llawr,
Wedi ei dragwyddol setlo
  Ar wrthrych mawr ei Berson Ef,
A diysgog gydymffurfio
  Â phur a sanctaidd ddeddfau'r nef.
yfed beunydd :: uchel yfed
'r wyf :: a wna' i

Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Tonau [8787D]
Bavaria (o Mendelssohn)
Prysgol (William Owen 1813-93)

  Am fy mod i mor llygredig
  Arogli'n beraidd mae fy nardus
  Nid oes (g)wrthddrych ar y ddaear
  Pan fo'r enaid mwya' gwresog

O to continue to drink highly
  Of the streams of the great salvation
Until my thirst is completely quenched
  For transient things below;
To live in expectation of my Lord,
  To be, whenever he come, completely alert
To open up to him immediately
  And enjoy the sight of him fully.

I will wonder with great wonder
  When comes to pass the happy hour
When I get to see my thought,
    which is here flitting 
  After base trinkets of earth,
After being eternally settled
  On the great object of His Person,
And immovable conforming
  To the pure and holy laws of heaven.
drink daily :: drink highly

tr. 2009,13 Richard B Gillion

Let me drink for ever deeply

I shall feel a mighty wonder


tr. H A Hodges 1905-76

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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